Featured Success Stories

Vickie's Success Story
Vickie's Success Story

After suffering with fibromyalgia for 25 years, Vickie was skeptical that we could help her...

Sue's Success Story
Sue's Success Story

For years Sue was bounced around from doctor to doctor, but nothing helped her relieve her fibromyalgia pain...

Joyce's Success Story
Joyce's Success Story

Joyce was suffering for years with fibromyalgia, without finding any relief from prescription medications...

Rebecca's Success Story
Rebecca's Success Story

Rebecca's fibromyalgia had become so severe that it forced her to leave behind a successful career...

Robyn's Success Story
Robyn's Success Story

Robyn was at the end of her rope when yet another doctor told her the symptoms were just "all in her head"...

Kelly's Success Story
Kelly's Success Story

For a decade Kelly was suffering from a myriad of conditions, among them constant, chronic pain...

Adriana's Success Story
Adriana's Success Story

Adriana knew that her condition was affecting her daily life, including taking care of her newborn baby...

Lisa's Success Story
Lisa's Success Story

Working as an RN, Lisa saw first-hand how medications merely covered up symptoms...

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